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[국제마케팅]리바이스 Levi's 마케팅분석(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
① Levi's Summary
③ Levi Strauss International

2. Marketing in Japan
① Levi Strauss Japan Marketing Strarting
③ New Emerging Markets - Japan

3. Strategies on Japan
⑤Advertising and Promotion

4. The success of the brand strategy of localization of Levi's Korea

5. New Strategy in Asia


1. Introduction

① Levi's Summary
Levi Strauss & Co., also known as LS&CO or simply Levi's, is a privately held American clothing company known worldwide for its Levi's brand of denim jeans. It was founded in 1853 when Levi Strauss came from Buttenheim, Bavaria, to San Francisco, California to open a west coast branch of his brothers' New York dry goods business. In 1873, Levi Strauss and tailor Jacob Davis received a U.S. patent to make the first riveted men's work pants out of denim: the first blue jeans. The company briefly experimented (in the 1970s) with a public stock listing, but remains owned and controlled by descendants and relatives of Levi Strauss's four nephews. The company's corporate headquarters is located at Levi's Plaza in San Francisco.

<중 략>

Future Challenges
LSJ's major challenges, resulting from the changing market and retail environment were : 1. How to continue to grow faced with a contracting market.
2. How to respond to the changing structure of the distribution channel.
3. How to develop and implement a pricing strategy given the current retail environment

1. How to continue to grow faced with a contracting market.
First, the traditional market for jeans in Japan had peaked and continued to shrink or remain flat.
1. The number of young people was decreasing.
2. The average frequency of jeans purchased per person per year in Japan was 0.5!
3. Students do not need to buy jeans because of school uniforms.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Silver개인인증


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[국제마케팅]리바이스 Levi&#039;s 마케팅분석(영문)
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