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Cruise Industry,Carnival Cruise & Royal Caribbean Cruises

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
29페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction of the Entire Project
2. Industry and Company Analysis
3. Financial Statement Analysis
4. Firm Performance Measures


1. Introduction of the Entire Project
Cruise industry is one of the markets leading leisure field due to aging of population, high level of earnings. The average growth rate of global cruise user is 7.6% per year. This rate is over 3.9% which is the average growth rate of global tourist. Besides, Cruise industry is high technological service business making added value. According to Korea Ocean & Fisheries Institute, the added value which is taken place by one cruise customer is identical to the added value, when managing one container. Such a development of industry is steadily pulled by expansion of American market. In general, multinational cruise industries run by U.S. has 70% of cruise global market share. Out of these industries, Carnival Corp and Royal Caribbean in particular, are the major leading industries in cruise growth. American cruise market is expected to earn the greatest revenue in 2012. The outlook of further growth is also promising.
The reason why we select cruise industry as project subject is because of these vibrant circumstances. As market-leader constantly growing in its field, Carnival Corp, Royal Caribbean Cruises will be analyzed and predicted in a effective way, so that we would like to offer a great quality of finance information.

참고 자료

Carnival Cruise 2012 Annual Shareholder Meeting Presentation
Royal Caribbean Reports Third Quarter Results and Updates 2012 Guidance
Business Source Complete (EBSCO)
Royal Caribbean Cruise Ltd. Annual Report 2011
Carnival Cruise Ltd. Annual Report 2011
 Hyperlink "http://www.patachina.org/ziyuan/?filename=/upload/2011/09/Issues__Trends_Volume16Issues2-71.pdf" http://www.patachina.org/ziyuan/?filename=/upload/2011/09/Issues__Trends_Volume16Issues2-71.pdf
판매자 유형Platinum개인인증


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