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Antiparasitic agents from microorganism

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
28페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1.Antiparasitic Agents Introduction
2.lifecycles – Leishmaniasis(편모충)
3.parasitic disease : Leishmaniasis
4.AntiLeishmaniasis medication
5.Antiparasitic Agents lifecycles – filariasis(사상충)
6.lifecycles – Human african trypanosomiasis(Killer coma)
7.lifecycles – Malaria
8.Antiparasitic agent
9.General Methods for the Laboratory Selection of antiparasitic Agents
10.parasitic disease : SFTS(Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome)
11.SFTS virus 감염증상
12.SFTS antiviral drug – 리바비린(중국사용)
13.Future prospects


Antiparasitic Agents Introduction
The large variety of parasitic diseases caused by invasion of the human body and domestic animals by protozoa and helminths undoubtedly constitute a major medical and public health problem, especially in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Millions of peoples living in these areas are affected by parasitic diseases that rarely occur in nontropical areas. Malaria(population currently infected, 150 million), fi-lariasis(130million), leishmaniasis(1.2 million), and African and American trypanosomiasis(more than 24 million) are the main parasitic diseases in these areas(Edward et al., 1986).
Imported parasitic diseases include malaria, filariasis, and schistosomiasis. The patients with these parasitic infections in nontropical areas often are those who have returned from trips to tropical and subtropical areas. These patient are increasing in number every year.
Several antiprotozoal and antithelmintic agents are available to reduce the incidence of many of the parasitic disease. These drugs can be divided into four classes:
Herbal preparations, inorganic and metalorganic compounds, systhetic organic compounds, and antibiotics

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Antiparasitic agents from microorganism
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