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스타벅스 마케팅 분석(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Starbucks Vision
2. Marketing
3. Sociological Forces
4. Strategic Questions & Answer


Starbucks Vision
As stated on the website, the company's vision is to 'establish Starbucks as the most recognized and respected brand in the world.'(starbucks.com)
This is a fitting vision because it is a broad comprehensive picture of what the company wants Starbucks to become. We will examine the vision using four components. First the vision is built on a foundation of the organizations core values. Starbucks only uses the finest coffee beans when brewing its variety of blends and therefore wants to be looked at with the respect of a company that uses and provides the best. Secondly, the company desires a top of the mind recognition. Starbucks not only wants consumers to remember who it is, but think about Starbucks first, having a shining image.

<중 략>

Those ideals are a great place for employees to work, which creates happy, productive employees with low turnover, which has a direct impact on the customer's experience and satisfaction. Also a commitment to quality cannot be sacrificed as Starbucks locations will likely double in the next five years. If Starbucks can keep a consistent atmosphere that combined with consistent, excellent quality coffee products, they can ensure their brand image and reputation.
How does Starbucks corporate decision of not franchising affect its business? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of franchising for Starbucks?

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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