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The Irony of the ‘Creation’ of Symbolism in Western Modern Art - Picasso

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13페이지/ MS 워드
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피카소의 작품, 그리고 symbolism에 관한 art humanities 페이퍼입니다.
아이비리그대학교구요 A받았습니다.




Much of the existing scholarship produced to date about Picasso’s work centres on his formal innovations and his contribution towards the new sub-genre of cubism. While this is undoubtedly of great import to the history and development of modern art, the fact that he was greatly influenced by earlier movements is often overlooked or misinterpreted. The era in Picasso’s career directly preceding that of cubism known as his ‘African Period’ is well documented, but the ways in which this ‘primitivism’ influenced his style in later artworks is understated. In addition, there is much irony to be found from the idea that Picasso, along with other artists from the same period felt that they were working against hegemonic justifications for imperialism by celebrating the “simple” style of ethnic works of art.

참고 자료

Antliff, Mark and Leighten, Patricia, “Primitive,” Critical Terms for Art History
Barthes, Roland. “The Death of the Author”
Bois, Yve-Alain. “The Semiology of Cubism,” in Picasso and Braque: A Symposium
Krauss, Rosalind, “In the Name of Picasso”, Art World Follies
Laurence Madeline, “Picasso's Fascination with Africa”
Pablopicasso.org. “Picasso's African-influenced Period - 1907 to 1909”
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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The Irony of the ‘Creation’ of Symbolism in Western Modern Art - Picasso
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