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LG Electronics Recruitment of Foreign executives

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ.1. LG Electronic's HR Strategy against Globalization

Ⅱ.1. Cause of Failure
Ⅱ.1.1. Problem to foreign executives
Ⅱ.1.2. Common problem to foreign executives and korean employees
Ⅱ.2. Solution
Ⅱ.2.1. Modification of recruitment process in foreign executives
Ⅱ.2.1.1. Interview
Ⅱ.2.1.2. Period of Adjustment
Ⅱ.2.1.3. Final decision of recruitment
Ⅱ.2.1.4. Performance Management
Ⅱ.2.2. Improving relations between foreign executives and employees


Ⅳ. Reference Materials


Ⅰ.1. LG Electronic's HR Strategy against Globalization
At the start of the history, each nation is recognized as independent system. However, since 'World War II', as trade among countries greatly increased, it was necessary for nations to rely each other, which we call 'Internalization'. 'Internalization' developed as 'Globalization' as the modern society emerged. From 1990, South Korea followed the Globalization trend. LG Electronics also recognized the necessity to Globalize the company itself, therefore they develop global HR strategy to fit in the trend.
In 2007, in contrast to Samsung, whose main source of profit was sales of semiconductor, LG aimed to be the top mobile phone maker. However, LG Electronics' sales record was terrible even with the similar product quality and lower price against Samsung. At the time, LGE's world mobile phone market share was 5.2% which was lower than the half of the rival Samsung's 13.6%.

<중 략>

that decreasing Korean employees’ stress on using English and making foreign executives and Korean employees to understand their culture difference. To map out a specific plan, we have to choose the target of mentoring. In fact, the target is whole workers of the department managed by foreign executives. However mentoring that big amount of workers at one time is not effective because there would be non-attendees. Thus, we need to split as small groups to make this mentoring program work. We will select about 10 members per one group including foreign executive. Here is one thing to think about careful. Koreans usually value the order of ranks within society so it would be more proper to built intimacy between those executives and head of each department first.

참고 자료

「LG전자 '글로벌 인력관리 시스템' 도입」, 한국경제, 2007/02/21
「LG전자 中서 뽑은 인력, 美법인에도 발령」, 한국경제, 2007/02/21
「한국기업엔 외국인 임원이 없다 」, MK뉴스, 2008/02/04
「남용 LG전자 부회장 “지역특화 외국인 임원 늘리겠다”」, 경향신문, 2010/07/22
「고민하는 LG전자 외국인 임원」, MK뉴스, 2010/09/19
「LG전자 비상경영 조직개편 초읽기」, 경향신문, 2010/10/14
「LG전자, 외국인 최고책임자급 임원 전원 교체」, 중앙일보, 2010/11/30
「LG전자 요직에 외국인 임원 배치 '남용의 실험' 왜 실패했나」, Weekly BIZ, 2010/12/25
「LG전자, 외국인 임원 안 보인다 했더니」, 아시아경제, 2011/12/01
「LG전자 임원인사 단행…"철저한 성과주의"」, 서울파이낸스, 2012/11/28
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