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Ⅱ. Definition and theories regarding privatization
1. What is privatization
2. Theories of privatization
2.1 Principal-Agent Theory
2.2 Property Rights theory
2.3 Public Choice theory

Ⅲ. Why does demands of privatization increase
1. Change of private sector’s role
2. Poor management of public enterprise
3. Increasing revenue and solving the deficit finance

Ⅳ. Conclusion


Ⅰ Introduction
The process of privatization is closely related with diverse elements of the institutional history, political relations and international environments. In other words, Privatization should be understood as outcomes of the clashes and struggles of the multiple subjects of privatization. However, Korea government tend to use privatization as a political purpose with little thought of important matters. As a result, Many people, recently, have doubt how privatization solve the problems of public enterprise and give benefits to citizens. It seems that privatization is not the only answer and solve the current problems. Thus, we should understand the change process from government-owned enterprise to privatization and take a look at theories of privatization.

Ⅱ Definition and theories regarding privatization
1. What is privatization?
Privatization is the process of transferring an enterprise or industry from the public sector to the private sector. The public sector is the part of the economic system that is run by government agencies. Privatization may involve either sale of government-held assets or removal of restrictions preventing private individuals and businesses from participating in a given industry.

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