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교양 영어 영작 과제, 영어 작문 과제 - News report with opinion 6개 : 뉴스 레포트 읽고 영어 의견 쓰기, 영어 자기 주장

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1. Worst yellow dust storm blankets nation
2. 'Obama watched bin Laden die on live video'
3. Korea's Workforce is Getting Older
4. Gang blinds Indian woman, accused of witchcraft
5. 3-year Law School System Faces Tough Opposition from Prospective Judiciaries
6. K-POP groups hold first concert in Paris


Worst yellow dust storm blankets nation

The year’s worst yellow dust storm blown from China struck the Korean Peninsula Sunday and is forecast to continue through Monday, with alerts being issued across the nation.
The Korea Meteorological Administration issued a yellow dust storm alert in Chungcheong, Jeolla and Gyeongsang provinces and Jeju Island. The dust hit other parts of the nation as well.
“The density of the dust was the highest so far this year,” a weatherman said. “Yellow dust is expected to blanket the peninsula until Monday. We advise children, the elderly and those with respiratory ailments to avoid outdoor activities and pay extra caution to their health.”

<중 략>

A major cause for workforce's getting older in Korea is falling the birth rate compared with rising the average length of lifetime. The problems of results from an aging labor force already occur. These problems are about welfare, high youth unemployment and so on. To solve these problems, government should establish effective policies. First, government should enlarge welfare budgets and prompt delivering babies by giving both maternity leave and paternity leave and adding child care center.

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