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Chandler Theory Scale and scope

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‘Large managerial enterprises have been primary engines of economic growth.’
Recently, large scale of enterprises became common around the world. However, it was started from 1900s in United States first. The Development of mass production had changed the industry and brought tremendous increase of output by the technological innovation. The most important factor that affected to the enterprises was managerial hierarchy and it had been argued by Alfred Chandler at the very first time. Chandler states that companies in the US have strongly influenced by the innovative business form ‘managerial enterprises’ and achieved huge cost save by the economies of scale and scope. The new term ‘Chief executive officer’ (CEO) had been appearing within this system and the firm started to pursuit maximization of long-term profit instead of short-term gains.

참고 자료

Alexander Gerschenkron, (1962), “Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective”
Chandler A.D, (1994) “Scale and Scope : The dynamics of Industrial Capitalism”
Chandler A.D, (1993) The Visible Hand : “The Managerial Revolution in American Business”
Chandler A. D, (1992), “Managerial Enterprise and Competitive Capabilities”, Cambridge, Harvard University Press
Chandler A. D, (1995) “Managerial Enterprise and Corporate Capabilities” in G Jones and C Harvey, eds, Organisational Capability and Competitive Advantage.
David J. Teece, (1993), “The dynamics of Industrial Capitalism: Perspectives on Alfred Chandler’s Scale and Scope”, Journal of Economic Literature, 31: 199-225
Etsuo. A, (1997), “The Development ofModern Business in Japan”, Business History Review, 71(2):299-308
Fruin. W, (1994), “History and Logic of Interdependence”, The Japanese Enterprise System
Hannah L, (1991), “Scale and Scope: Towards a European Visible Hand?”, Business History, 33(2):297-309
Michel E, Porter. (1990), “Competitive Advantage,” Free Press, New York.
Michel E, Porter. (1990), “Competitive Advantage of nations”, Palgrave, Hampshire.
Schmitz. J. C, (1993), “The growth of big business in the United States and western Europe, 1850-1939.” Cambridge University Press
Whittington. R, (1999), “Chandlerism in post-war Europe: Strategic and structural change in France, Germany an the UK, 1950-1993”, Industrial and Corporate Change, p.519-551
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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