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[English Essay/영작문] The Literary Research Paper : Carl Sandburg 'Grass'

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Essay수업 기말레포트로 작성한 Carl Sandburg 'Grass'에 관한 문학분석레포트이고, B+를 받았습니다.




In this poem, the speaker is the grass, which has existed in the past and will remain in the future. There have been a lot of happenings in the life of humanity. Including wars and other disasters, when people on face become such dreadful things, they feel sorrowful and painful; however, those things became forgotten as time goes by. This poem, grass also talks about the grass itself, which has been unchangeable while everything in the world has been changed a lot. Particular, this poem mentions five places which are Austerlitz, Waterloo, Gettyburg, Ypres and Verdun. These places used to be battle-fields. Of these five places, Austerlitz and Waterloo are the deadliest war-fields.

<중 략>

Sandburg obtained the great fame due to his poems and other literary works; furthermore, was granted a lot of literary prizes. For instances, he was twice awarded the prize of American Poetry Association in 1919 and in 1921. His biography, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years captured the Pulitzer Prize in 1940. He again received the Pulitzer Prize in 1951 with Complete Poems. After then, Sandburg passed away on the 22 July, 1967 in Flat Rock

참고 자료

Shim In-Bo. Poems Against the World by Carl Sandburg Bu-San National University 1990. Print
Hyun Young-Min. The poetry of Carl Sandburg in American Literature history Chung-Nam National University 1982.12
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[English Essay/영작문] The Literary Research Paper : Carl Sandburg &#039;Grass&#039;
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