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The 'Ism' and the Real World/ 국제관계수업/ 이즘 (주의)이 세계 정치에 끼치는 영향/ 영어발표

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
24페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 3,400원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Basic Introduction to the three political "Isms"
2. Theories, Facts, and The Three “Isms
3. Capitalism, Communism, & Socialism
4. The Real World
5. Supplement : Obama’s Socialism Scandals
6. Personal Thoughts and Ideas Regarding the ISMS


Private actors are quite free from state constraints
State engages in only limited effort
founded on the philosophy of laissez-faire (by Adam Smith)

The Profit motive
Free market economy
ㄴ Competition
ㄴ Comptetitive pricing
Provision of Labor forces

<중 략>

Communist League. an organization of German émigré workers with its center in London of which Marx and Engels became the major theoreticians. At a conference of the League in London at the end of 1847 Marx and Engels were commissioned to write a succinct declaration of their position. The Communist Manifesto than the 1848 wave of revolutions broke out in Europe.

Leninism grew up and took shape under the conditions of imperialism
Theory can become a tremendous force in the working-class movement

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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탑툰 이벤트
The &#039;Ism&#039; and the Real World/ 국제관계수업/ 이즘 (주의)이 세계 정치에 끼치는 영향/ 영어발표
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