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health and wellness tourism marketing strategies

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기




In fact, Health & wellness are personal issues. It makes sense to use a personal marketing strategy to generate business. A personal approach to marketing is face-to-face marketing - often overlooked because of cyberspace marketing. Long time ago, Marketing of health and wellness tourism relied on word of mouth which is the passing of information from person to person by oral communication, that could be as simple as telling someone the time of day. Also, most spa villages printed booklets and distributed through travel agencies to people. In European countries, with recommendations by medical practitioners, the health resort and spa industries were benefitted in the past. Posters and postcards were another way of promoting a health and wellness spa industries.

<중 략>

One of the most important ways of promoting tourism is internet information. The internet has benefits and disadvantages. After getting service of wellness tour, unhappy customers can cause negative publicity with serious consequences for health & wellness products and services Social media like facebook and twitter, are another option for followers to obtain information. Also, Wellness Internet marketing can include email marketing campaigns including users who have requested to be on the mailing list. Online newsletters are another popular option to market a product. For another examples of Promotion of health & wellness destination are Guidebooks, brochures, Spa magazines and Co-branding – destination branding

참고 자료

Lecture 10 of the Marketing of Health and Wellness

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health and wellness tourism marketing strategies
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