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Human Right and Industrial Revolution( 인권과 산업혁명 )

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최종 저작일
5페이지/ MS 워드
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영국의 산업혁명으로 인해 발생한 인권문제에 대하여 쓴 영문 감상 및 분석문입니다




“Human rights” means that rights are basic rights which many societies believe that all people should have. It is literally basic that all human being should have, but many people cannot enjoy even this basic thing during the period of industrial revolution in Britain between 18th century and 19th century. So I have a negative view on industrial revolution. Many people say that industrial revolution brought many good aspects to us, so they think they now can live very comfortable life as a human. However, I think there are more disadvantages of industrial revolution than advantages of it to be “human”.
How can we live like a human, not an animal? What can define the quality of life? Manufacturing and development of agriculture during industrial revolution actually gave us physical convenience and comfort, but they also indeed gave us mentally comfort? I do not think so. The first reason is that generated classes at that time

참고 자료

Buer, Mabel C. Health, Wealth and Population in the Early Days of the Industrial Revolution.
London: George Routledge & Sons, 1926. Print.
Cho, Hong Bok. “The South of Jeon-La Province Will Attract 10 Thousand Family by 2014”.
Chosun Daily News. 30 May 2011. Web. 2 June 2011. <http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2011/05/30/2011053002125.html>
Galbi, Douglas A. “Child Labor and the Division of Labor in the Early English Cotton Mills.”
King’s College Cambridge. 13 June 1994.Web. 3 June 2011. <http://www.galbithink.org/child.htm>
Hartwell, R.M., “History and Ideology,” Modern Age, Vol. 18, No- 4. Fall, 1974
Lampard, Eric Edwin. “Life during the Industrial Revolution” State Univ. of New York at
Stony Brook. Web. 2 June 2011 <http://www.puhsd.k12.ca.us/chana/staffpages/eichman/Adult_School/world/fall/industrial/1/change.htm>
Venning, Annabel. “Britain’s Child Slaves: They Started a 4am, Lived off Acorns and Had
Nails Put through Their Ears for Shoddy Work. Yet, Says a New Book, Their Misery Helped Forge Britain” Dailymail.co.uk. 19 September 2010. Web. 2 June 2011. <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1312764/Britains-child-slaves-New-book-says-misery-helped-forge-Britain.html>
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Human Right and Industrial Revolution( 인권과 산업혁명 )
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