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지속가능한 도시 사례조사 꾸리찌빠,마스다르

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
43페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Sustainable city
2. reomdeling original city
3. building new environmental city
4. comparing city


1693 18th Century trading center and early land use plan and sanitation was implemented 19th Century Economy was driven by mate plant and wood industry.
19th Century
Early 20th Century
Early 20th century mate mills and monoculture of coffee causing influx of population
Mid 20th Century
In 1940's city center clogged with streets, cars and buses Social Economic History and its impact on development

<중 략>

Garbage Purchase Garbage is not Garbage
Waste in Curitiba
Renovation Architecture
Masdar Projection
Create a net zero carbon city. Create a zero waste city. Ecreate a city with an improved quality of life for its inhabitants

참고 자료

www.ippuc.org www.wikepedia.org www.curitiba.pr.gov.br www.cbd.int www.urbanhabitat.org www.scribd.com
City Edge Case studies in Contemporary Urbanism by Esther Charlesworth
The transit Metropolis by Robert Cerevero
Sustainable urbanism - urban design with nature
Sustainable urban archiecture
Go to the world for eco-city
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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지속가능한 도시 사례조사 꾸리찌빠,마스다르
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