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미국사회내 미성년자의 음주가 미치는 영향 (Influences of Underage Drinking in American Society)

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8페이지/ MS 워드
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미국 유학시절 직접 자료조사하며 정말 정성껏 제출했던 레포트 입니다.
제목은' 미국사회내 미성년자의 음주가 미치는 영향 (Influences of Underage Drinking in American Society)'
전부 영어로 작성되어 있습니다.




Both society and adults have to protect their children from abusing a drinking alcohol.
Influences of Underage Drinking in the American Society.
While our society changes drastically, it is easy to obtain alcohol, the number of adolescents who drink alcohol has been increasing. In my opinion, teenage drinking has been increasing in the 21th century, so we can be faced with these problems whenever we are. Then, what is the meaning of underage drinking?

<중 략>

In conclusion, nowadays, most of teenagers can approach to alcohol and drink easily. Every year, about 250,000 teenagers take courses for abusing alcohol. (Health Reference Center) They have to know the fact that is harm themselves not only physically but also psychologically. Underage drinking has negative responses on build up the brain structure. It leads to trouble with durable thinking

참고 자료

“Consequences of Underage Drinking Excepts from Reducing Underage Drinking : A Collective Responsibility (2004)” : The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth. Web. 12 June 2011. <http://camy.org/factsheets/print/php?FactsheetID=29>. Print
Gwinnell, Esther, and Christine Adamec. “Health Effect of Alcohol Abuse.” The Encyclopedia of Drug Abuse. New York: Facts On File, Inc, 2008. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. http://www.fofweb.com. 12 June 2011. Print
Kittleson, Mark J. “Underage Drinking” Alcohol, The Truth About. New York: Facts On File, Inc, 2004. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. http://www.fofweb.com. 12 June 2011. Print
Miller Jacqueline W, Timothy S. Naimi, Robert D. Brewer and Sherry Everett Jones “Binge Drinking and Associated Health Risk Behaviors Among High School Students” Pediatrics. 2007;119;76-85 DOI: 10.1542/peds/2006-1517. 12 June 2011. Print
S.A Brown and S. F. Tapert, “Health Consequences of Adolescent Alcohol Use, “ in Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility, Background Papers (The National Academies Press, 2004). 12 June 2011. Print
“Underage Drinking: A Major Public Health Challenge – Alcohol Alert” No.59. April 2003. National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Web. June 12 2011. <http://pubs.niaaa,nih.gov/publications/aa59/htm>/. Print
“Update: Alcohol Issues.” Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 6 Oct. 2006. Web. 12 June 2011. Print
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