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effects and alternative on environment through an increase of energy consumption

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Reasons to increase energy consumption
2. The effects through an increase in energy consumption
3. How the environment has polluted via energy consumption
4. Renewable and alternative energy
5. The policies of energy in the USA
6. My opinion
7. Conclusion


The USA is the 4th biggest and the first developed country over the world. Fortunately, the Texas State is the energy center of the USA because it has a lot of natural resources including fossil energy. Fossil fuels are inseparable from our modern lives. The intense energy requirements for industrial production of the Industrial Revolution created a need to find fossil fuels (Smith 4). At present, we need large, rapidly increasing amounts of energy to heat and cool our houses, to illuminate the dark, and to power our appliances. We have come to rely on electricity to power in our every life in many aspects (Hengeveld 77).

<중 략>

There are already happenedsymptoms of our environment destroying in many aspects here and there. For atmosphere, it contains kinds of unnecessary and toxic gases gaining from consumption of energy. Carbon dioxide leads to increase temperature our planet.Moreover, Methane, which comes from coal mines is more effective to cause climate warming than carbon dioxide. Methane is twenty times as effective as carbon dioxide in withholding infrared radiation, the heat radiation causing climate warming, it could greatly add to the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere if large amounts accidentally escaped into the air while it was being mined.

참고 자료

Hengeveld, Rob, and .Waisted World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,Ltd, 2012. Print.
Smith, Zachary A. Renewable and Alternative EnergyResources:Aeference Handbook. Santa Babara: Syndetic Solutions, 2008. Print.
"securing-American-energy." whitehouse.gov.N.p..Web. 14 Apr 2014.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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