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[영어자료] Khaled Hosseini-The Thousand Splendid Suns, 할레드 호세이니 『천개의 찬란한 태양』속 남자 캐릭터들의 인물 분석

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6페이지/ MS 워드
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할레드 호세이니의 『천개의 찬란한 태양』속 남자 주인공들에 대한 분석 영어 에세이 입니다. 소설 속 주인공들이 사람들이 흔히 이슬람 사회, 특히 이슬람 남성들에 대해 가지고 있는 가부장제, 폭력성을 깨는 역할을 한다는 관점으로 서술했습니다. 직접인용으로 논지의 설득력을 더 높였습니다.




Most of the news articles about Middle East cover big or small terrors, turmoil and unsolvable conflicts. Constant eager toward peace in the land breaks never-ending battles. The chaotic situation makes Islam society more closed and people are not able to reach it freely. Negative Muslim stereotypes, formed by news or unethical conventions are solid because the feature of lack of communication to other societies. Even though the recognition about Islamic portrayals is getting positive and diverse through the effects of TV and movies as Fitzpatrick mentioned in his essay (Fitzpatrick 4), visual characters are simple and described superficially. However, literature can do the role breaks stereotype. Contrary to other mass media, novel reflects society by detail description, such as, character’s psychological statement thought by author. This novel can break the prevalent stereotypes about Muslim men by male characters depicted differently in the novel.

참고 자료

Fitzpatrick, C. 2009. New Orientalism in popular fiction and memoir: an illustration of type.
Journal of Multicultural Discourses. Vol. 4, No. 3, November 2009, 243256
Hosseini, K. 2007. A thousand splendid suns. New York: Riverhead books.
Lam, M. 2009. The politics of fiction: a response to new orientalism in type. Journal of
Multicultural Discourses.Vol. 4, No. 3, November 2009, 257262
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영어자료] Khaled Hosseini-The Thousand Splendid Suns, 할레드 호세이니 『천개의 찬란한 태양』속 남자 캐릭터들의 인물 분석
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