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영어 에세이 4개 모음집입니다.
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싸이테이션(MLA style), 레퍼런스, 그래머 모두 완벽하게 리바이즈 되어있습니다.
참고 문헌이 각각 에세이 마지막 장에 자세히 기재되어있습니다. 미국 대학 표준 양식인 MLA 스타일을 참고했습니다.


1. My Dream: The Unification of Korea
2. Your Sweet Home is Attacking You!
3. I Have a Dream; the witness of the American history and King’s life
4. Advertisement Analysis: Gatorade


1. My Dream: The Unification of Korea
- I believe that the unification of North and South Korea is necessary for both countries; it will bring one strong unified country by establishing stronger government, improving nations economic and gathering the separated power of Korea.

2. Your Sweet Home is Attacking You!
- Are you living or working in new building?....(중략).... If you checked over five of these symptoms in this question, you and your family might suffer from “Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).”

3. I Have a Dream; the witness of the American history and King’s life
- When I prepared to study abroad in America, I saw Martin Luther King’s speech: “I Have a Dream” in my English school in Korea. E.....(중략)....this speech was impressive to me.

4. Advertisement Analysis: Gatorade
- What is the different between specific audiences and how can advertise effect through a various media is the best way to analyze in the age of advertising stream.

참고 자료

Korea Unification Training Institute, Understanding the problem of Unification, 1996. pp. 30~33
North Korea: The cold war continues. By: Lee, Manwoo. Current History, Dec96, Vol. 95 Issue 446, p438, 5p; (AN 9706244992)
2005, http://www.assembly.go.kr, Assembly of the Republic of Korea
Pack Janghyun, Is German Unification role model in Korea? 1999
Hangyore News(Korean News paper), 6/23/1997 Identification of Korea
Worthy, F.S., Hammes, S, Can the Korea Get Together? 2/11/1991, Vol. 123, Issue 3, p126-132, 6p, 1 chart, 4c
Kim, Joungwon Alexander, Myungshin Hong, The Koreas, Unification, and the Great Powers., Apr2006, Vol. 105 Issue 690, p186-190, 5p
Korean unification: A conceptual and analytical study. By: Shuja, Sharif M.. Australia & World Affairs, Winter98 Issue 37, p34, 10p; (AN 1274647)
How to think about Korean unification. By: Bracken, Paul. Orbis, Summer98, Vol. 42 Issue 3, p409, 14p; (AN 885337)
Korean unification: Learning from the German experience. By: Hart-Landsberg, Martin. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 1996, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p59, 22p; (AN 9606202291)
ASIA'S NEXT POWERHOUSE: AN ALL-BUT-UNIFIED KOREA? By: Neff, R.; Pearson, J.. Business Week, 10/14/91 Issue 3235, p63-63, 2/3p, 2c; (AN 9110142693)
THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF CHINESE INVESTMENT IN NORTH KOREA. By: Jae Cheol Kim. Asian Survey, Nov/Dec2006, Vol. 46 Issue 6, p898-916, 19p; DOI: AS.2006.46.6.898; (AN 23717955)
Turn North Korea Into a Human Rights Issue. By: Havel, Vaclav; Bondevik, Kjell Magne; Wiesel, Elie. New York Times, 10/30/2006, Vol. 156 Issue 53748, pA25-A25, 1/4p; (AN 23148779)
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