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Sociology of Social Change

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Features of the development model of Korea
3. Statistics & Example
4. Conclusion
5. References


Korea has made rapid progress since the 1960s. State-led economic development in Park Chung-hee regime were replaced by the current neo-liberal economic. There were many developments in the process, but still the problem from state-led economic development exist.
Due to rapid economic growth, Korea society has a problem like ‘Foreign dependence of economic’, ‘The gap between rich and poor’, ‘Economic growth of Development-oriented’ etc.
Western society has undergone the industrial revolution and the civil war and has achieved economic development and social development at the same time. But Korea based on Western models and have achieved imminent economic growth only.
Because of these problems, Korea can not be generalized as a good example of the capitalist development in the developing countries.
Of course, there are many problems of neo-liberal economic. However, this report point out the problems of state-led economic development as typical Korea characteristic.

참고 자료

경제교육연구회. 2009. 『동아시아의 경제, 20세기에서 21세기로』. 시그마프레스
국민호. 2007. 『동아시아 발전과 유교 문화』. 전남대학교 출판부
김윤태. 2000. 『재벌과 권력』. 새로운 사람들
송원근, 강성원. 2011. 『장하준이 말하지 않은 23가지 : 더 나은 자본주의를 위한 현실적 방안』. 북오션
윤상우. 2005. 『동아시아 발전의 사회학』. 나남출판
장하준. 2010. 『그들이 말하지 않는 23가지 : 장하준 더 나은 자본주의를 말하다』. 부키
장하준. 2012. 『무엇을 선택할 것인가 : 장하준 정승일 이종채의 쾌도난마 한국경제』. 부키
Alice H. Amsden. 1989. 『Asia’s Next Giant : South Korea and Late Industrialization』. Oxford
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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