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삼성전자 모바일 산업 분석 전략경영 영문 PPT

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
25페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


2 Divisions of SEC
3 Main Products from IM
4 Mobile Market in South Korea
5 Mobile Industry in South Korea
6 Analysis of Financial Performance
7 Cont.
8 Samsung Elec & Mobile Industry
9 Advanced 5 Forces Analysis
10 Assessment of Strategic Issues
11 Firm-Level Analysis
12 Issues in Corporate Strategy
13 Implications from Corporate Strategy Analysis
14 Production Technology
15 Key Issues in Technology Strategy
16 Corporate Social Responsibility
17 Implications from Advanced Strategy Analyses
18 References


Samsung Electronics(“SEC”) is a not only flagship subsidiary of Samsung Group but also it contributes major role in the Korean economy. SEC’s stock value dominates almost 20% of the KOSPI stock market and 70%of Samsung Group. SEC also become a world largest information communication technology since 2009. SEC maintains sales network over 80 different countries and employs around 370K peoples. SEC Headquarters is located in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea.

- 1969 : Samsung Electric Industries was established by Samsung Group in Suwon, South Korea.
Main product of early stage was home appliances such as televisions, refrigerators, calculators and etc.,.
- 1988 : Samsung Electric Industries change its name to Samsung Electronics
- 1993 : SEC introduce new company CI and new management system. Reborn.
- 2006: #1 in Global TV market.
- 2010: Launches Samsung Galaxy mobile phone running Android.

참고 자료

Samsung Electronics, 2012 Samsung Electronics Annual Report.
Samsung Electronics, 2011 Samsung Electronics Annual Report.
Samsung Electronics, 2013 Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report.
Samsung Electronics, 2012 Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report.
“Samsung”, 2014-06-04, Wikipedia.
“Samsung Electronics”, 2014-06-04, Wikipedia.
Finacial Data, Naver Finance.
“Samsung Corporate Profile”, 2014-06-04, http://www.samsung.com/fr/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/
“Willingness to pay”, 2014-06-06, http://myweb.rollins.edu/jsiry/Willingness.html
“Samsung Electronics”, 2014-06-04, Growth Champions, http://growthchampions.org/growth-champions/samsung/
“Vertical integration will give Samsung Galaxies”, 2014-06-06, The Korea Times, http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/tech/2014/05/133_136867.html
“Why Samsung Beats Apple Or Perhaps Vice Versa”, 2014-06-06, Forbes, http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/09/09/why-samsung-beats-apple-or-perhaps-vice-versa/
“Pourquoi une entreprise cherche-t-elle à se diversifier ?“, 2014-06-06, INSA de Rennes, http://diversification.insa-rennes.fr/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/monographie_diversification_entreprises.pdf
“[스마트폰/휴대폰] 1등 삼성 뒤 팬택과 LG 2위 싸움 불꽂 <소비리포트2011>”, 2014-06-07, MediaIT, http://it.news.danawa.com/News_List_View.php?nPage=11&nModeC=1&nCnt=1&nSeq=2091508&nBoardSeq=60&auth=1
“국내 스마트폰 시장, 첫 마이너스 성장”, 2014-06-07, Segye, http://www.segye.com/content/html/2013/10/14/20131014005453.html
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