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[영문][경영] 급변화사회에서 협동문화의 중요성 The importance of corporate culture in a “fast-changing society”

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최종 저작일
13페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. The conception of corporate culture
2. The changing trend in contemporary society

1. What is the OLD style of corporate culture?
2. Why should organization need a CHANGE in the corporation culture?
3. What is the NEW style of corporate culture?




We can have many contacts with various organizations in the daily life and we can get a particular impression from each organization. In some, every each member should wear a same uniform and have a same hair style. They emphasize the sense of unity. There are also specific orders in the workplace. They should follow the exact process that rule the workplace from the time when they commute to the time when they go back to their home. On the contrary, in other organizations, their members freely choose what to wear and which hairstyle they want to have. Their individualities are respected. Sometimes, the workplaces are even mess with various utilities or gadget. The business hours are also flexibly operated.
As we just mentioned above, each organization have a particular external characteristics. But, there are also internal characteristic in the organization, which is ‘Corporate Culture’. Therefore in this report, we will talk about the importance of corporate culture in the current society and provide recommendations and our thoughts.

참고 자료

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Daft, R. L. (2010), New Era of Management, 10th Ed, International Edition
Eigen, G. D. (2009), Failure of Corporate Culture, Retrieved November. 3, 2013, from http://www.marcostarreb.com/failureofcorporateculture/
Seol D., Deborah, M., Moonk. B., Kegan. R., Lascow. L. (2010), Culture and Change, SEOUL: 21c Books
Lee. H. J. (2008), Corporate Culture Corporate Competitiveness, SEOUL: JUNYOUNG, P.6667, P.213219
Lief, E. (2009), World Best Practice Series, SEOUL: BUSINESS MAP
Min. J. K. (2012), Corporate Culture of CJ, Retrieved November. 3, 2013, from http://olv.moazine.com/rviewer/index.asp
SONG, J. Y. (2004), The changing trend of Korean corporate culture in 20c, SEOUL: HYUNGSUNG
William, G. N., James M. M. (2012), Understanding Business, SEOUL: SANGNEUNG
YOO, P. H. (2002), Corporate Culture Can Tell about Corporation Itself, SEOUL: HANUN, P.2028
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[영문][경영] 급변화사회에서 협동문화의 중요성 The importance of corporate culture in a “fast-changing society”
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