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한국 경제 발전과 성장:국제 협력 Economic Development of South Korea

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15페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Economic Development of South Korea:
International Initiatives and Cooperation on Environment


1. Introduction
2. International Initiatives and Cooperation – International Level
3. South Korean Initiatives and Cooperation
4. Other Countries – the Developing World
5. Conclusion


South Korea has been breaking through the established paradigms into a new phase of history. Evolutionary inventions have drastically changed the ways of living, and the country is continuing to step forward to foster more and more convenient life styles. Behind the facade, however, there has been always the overlooked cost for the brilliant development. Especially the environment, which has been considered an unavoidable expense for economic prosperity, is near the irreversible state of destruction. It is fearsome to look ahead what may rest at the end of the human progress.
“Growth first, and then clean-up later” framework is no longer viable. Without a careful provision on natural surroundings, further attempts for the economic development will only bring despair. It is in this context where the concept “sustainable growth” comes in handy. Synonymous to sustainable growth, the term green growth has called for the Korean society’s attention.

참고 자료

"ECONOMIC and FINANCIAL AFFAIRS." Proc. of Council Conclusions on Europe 2020, Brussels. Web. <http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ecofin/113395.pdf>.
"Green Growth and Development." Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, n.d. Web. 20 December 2013. <http://www.oecd.org/dac/environment-development/greengrowthanddevelopment.htm>.
"Green Growth and Sustainable Development - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development." Green Growth and Sustainable Development - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, n.d. Web. <http://www.oecd.org/greengrowth/greengrowthknowledgeplatform.htm>.
Green Growth, Resources and Resilience. Publication. Bangkok: UN and ADB, 2012. ADB. Web. <http://www.adb.org/publications/green-growth-resources-and-resilience>.
Hsiao, I-Chum. An Analysis of APEC's Green Growth Strategy in the Context of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. Rep. United Nations Foundation, 23 Jan. 2012. Web. <http://basc.berkeley.edu/ascc/papers/Hsiao_Paper.pdf>.
"Key Indicators Database." StatsAPEC. APEC, n.d. Web. <http://statistics.apec.org/index.php/key_indicator/term_condition>.
Maria Ivanova, and Daniel C. Esty. "Reclaiming U.S. Leadership in Global Environmental Governance."
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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