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“Death and the Maiden”

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




The film started in a country in the South America. The new government tried to find the military dictatorship atrocities. New president conscious of public opinion, past atrocities which performed under the military regime was not investigated well, he decided to investigate further. He took ‘commission of human rights violations’ and hired human rights activist and lawyer ‘Gerardo’. Judicial measure of transitional justice was implemented to treat legacy of human rights abuse. Transitional justices are quite related with politics and changes. The juridical and political conditions of transitional justice are required during periods of political transformation. The Post conflict focuses on changing of political identity. Transitional justice was a strategy that responded critically to the military dictatorship. Transitional justice is the part of broader political developments in recent international history. Transitional justice adhered to juridical rights enforcement associated with liberal ideals of rule of law.

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“Death and the Maiden”
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