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기후변화에 따른 생태계변화 PPT

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
1.1 Trend and climate change
1.2 global warming

2.The impact of global warming on ecosystems.
2.1 Gradient of each region
2.2 Peninsula
2.3 Agriculture
2.4 Forests and vegetation changes
2.5 Sea change in the genus
2.6 Changes in the sky
2.7 Possibility of the spread of infectious diseases subtropical.

3. Conclusion

4. Summury

5. References


- Temperature, wind, rain and other atmospheric conditions, etc.

- For decades, the local weather will be averaged.

Climate Change
- Several decades of climate variability that persists for more than a statistical fluctuation in the average mean state.

<중 략>

- Sseusseugamusi malaria spreading contagious disease, such as a temperate subtropical.
- The warm weather mosquitoes carrying disease, pests such as mites provide a much more livable environment.

참고 자료

생태학 7판. 라이프사이언스. 옮긴이 강혜순 / 오인혜 / 정근 / 이우신
우리땅 생물 콘서트. 동아시아. 한영식 지음.
Bazzaz F. A. 1996. Plants in changing environments: Linking physiolog- ical population and community ecology New York: Cambridge Univ. Press
Graedel, T. E., and P. J. Crutzen. 1995. Atmosphere, climate, and change Scientific American Library. New York: W. H. Freeman.
Houghton, J. 1997. Global warming The complete briefing Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (PCC) Third Assessment Report climate change. 2007. Available at http://www.ipcc.ch/.
National Assessment synthesis Team us. Global Change Research Program. 2000 climate change impacts on the United states: The poten- consequences of climate variability and change us national assess- ment Available at http://www.usgcp.gov
Peters, R. L. and T. E Lovejoy, eds. 1992. Gobalwamngandboog- cal diversity New Haven: Yale University Press.
Schneider, S. H. 1989. Global warming San Francisco Serra Club Books.
Watson, R T, M. C. Znyovea, R. H. Moss, and D. J. Dokien, eds. 1998. The regional impacts of cimate change specal report of IPCC Working Group D. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press.
Woodward F. l. ed. 1992. Goba dimate change: The ecologicalcon- sequences London: Academic Press.


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