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DVST 0455 Homeless Women Essay

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Canada is currently preparing for the upcoming Olympics in 2010. As the government prepares for the new tourists, it faces countless problems. The biggest problem would be the homeless of Vancouver. Although the government and the society have been directing millions of dollars at this problem, it is never enough to keep people off the streets. One research study found that in the last 15 years, there is a “link between time spent on the streets and increased exposure to criminal victimization” (Huey & Berndt, 2008). Since the homeless rate of women is increasing fast, rapid action from the government is needed in order to save them from victimization. Also, many homeless are cut off welfare as well as having their federal benefits clawed back. Being cut off welfare has a huge impact on homeless than people realize such as no treatment. The lack of welfare and the high rent make it harder for women to find a place to live, especially for those with children. A change in government attitude and policy towards homeless women is required.
First of all, the current welfare system of Canada does not keep women off the streets. The welfare program changed when the former NDP government reduced the budget in 1992.

참고 자료

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