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51 구역, area 51

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/ MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Location
2. What is the true purpose of Area 51?
3. The security around Area 51
4. Technologies and aircraft developed at AREA 51?
5. Aurora project
6. Black manta
7. Electrochromatic technology
8. Bob lazar
9. Philip schneider


AREA 51, part of the Nellis Air Force Range and Nuclear Test Site, is approximately 80-125 miles northwest of Las Vegas. At Area 51 the U.S. government has been test-flying highly secret BLACK PROJECT aircraft for many years,

<중 략>

He also claimed that the Russians created biological weapons with a 30 year “shelf life” that they extracted from “the glandular secretions [of] alien cadavers.” And that the US spent some $38 billion to purchase this WMD from them.

He shows pictures of the atomic explosion at Bikini Atoll and says that the black blobs in the picture are alien ships. Indeed, according to Schneider, the US knew about an ancient alien base there and that is why it was chosen for that particular test. “About 6 million to 7 million human beings have been slaughtered by the aliens at this present time,”

Stealth aircraft technology originated from alien technology that utilizes elements beyond that known on Earth. Elements numbered 111-140, for example, which he claimed were stable. He called them “island of stability Elements”. He has also said that it would take “another 40 or 50 years” for the public to obtain the kind of technology that’s used in stealth aircraft.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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