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사교육비로 인한 저출산 영문 에세이

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Prologue

II. The problem of Aging and Low birthrate

III. Reason for aging and low birthrate

IV. Current situation in Korea
a. Education fever.
b. Education expenditure

V. Solution and conclusion


I. Prologue
While aging is followed, the Republic of Korea has gone old rapidly. It is expected that the proportion of the elderly population over the age of 65 which was only 3.8% in 1980 would increase to 38.2% in 2050. As a result, in 2050 the elderly dependents ratio would be 72.0%.
In addition, the total fertility rate per a woman in Korea was 4.53 persons in 1970, but because of the family planning supported by government which was implemented from 1970's to 1980's

<중 략>

Above two chart say that Korean households spend relatively larger amount of money for private education than the other OECD countries.
Public education expenditure over all education spending.
Above chart shows that relatively very low level of public education out of all education spending in Korea.
Private education expenditure over all education spending.
But on the other hand, in this chart, top class of private education expenditure out of all education spending is shown.

참고 자료

hwangboyeon, low fertility, accelerated aging 'darker shade to Korea ", The Hankyoreh, dated 07.03.2011.
jeonhuigyeong, research on low fertility causes and countermeasures for Graduate School of Social Welfare, Seoul, 2010
gimminsik, the background of the low birth rate, Essay, 2010.
Kazuo Yamaguchi, both the work and family and low fertility, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2010.
namsangho, Macroeconomic Effects of Low Fertility, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2010.
yeomjihye, low birth rates and an aging workforce shortage Workforce Plan period, Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2010.
choejongam, low fertility elderly social welfare administration, Jin Publishers, 2009.
Kim, Young - Soon, the policy direction for encouraging childbirth, gayadae Graduate School of Public Administration, 2009.
yugwangyeol, on the birth will affect birth incentives, Gyeongsang National University, Graduate School of Public Administration, 2010.
Kim, Sun - Mi, compared to a low birth rate, an aging population, social status analysis of education and improvement, London College of Education Graduate School of Education, 2010.
Choi, Yoon - Jung, A Study on Low Fertility corresponding welfare policy in Korea, Korea University Graduate School, 2010.
http://www.smartcoaching.co.kr/web/main/ipsi_pds_view.aspx?page=4&univ_code=%20%20%20&univ_type=0&bbs_code=2&bbs_data_no=112185 한국 청소년 공부 시간
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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