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Media Determines What Is Important To Most People

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6페이지/ MS 워드
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Media Determines What Is Important To Most People
What is the very first thing people do to know celebrities’ hot scandals, realize winter fashion trends, or find today’s political and social issues? People will click the articles on the Internet, buy newspapers and magazines, and turn on a television. Media influence has increased dramatically with the advance of technology over the last 50 years. However, media determines what is important to most people, due to ⅰ) media’s interest in gaining profits from high ratings, ⅱ) governmental control over people, and ⅲ) viewer’s huge dependence on media.
To begin with, news outlets or a journalist will pick and write stories mainly based on what will bring them the highest ratings. As media’s interest is to make their stories big sensations. Higher viewer ratings are huge advertising revenues. High viewer rating is what determines newsworthiness.

참고 자료

Robert. E. (2002). An information Processing Approach. How the Media Affect What People Think, 347-369.
Ball-Rokeach, J. & DeFleur. L. (1976). A dependency model of mass media effects. Communication Research, 3, 3-21.
Dizzle. J. (2009). Do newspapers, magazines, television, radio, movies, the internet, and other media determine what is important to most people? URL http://jud- jdizzle.blogspot.kr/2009/12/do-newspapers-magazines-television.html
Matias. N. (2013) Does media determine what is important to most people? URL http://mneuweiler.blogspot.kr/2013/03/do-newspapers-magazines-television.html
John. P. (2008) In the Tank: A Statistical Analysis of Media Bias.
Warner. H. (2011). The Top 50 Liberal Media Bias Examples. URL http://www.westernjournalism.com/top-50-examples-liberal-media-bias/
Stefano. V. & Ethan. K. (2007). The Political Impact of Media Bias, 3-24.
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