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걸리버여행기 영어 독후감 + LGBT와 동성애

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
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교양영어에서 다룬 LGBT와 동성애에 관한 논제와
걸리버여행기 초급 영어독후감입니다.


1. LGBT quistions
(1) If a family member or a very close "came out" how would you respond to that?
(2) What did you think of the videos we saw in class? (What what (in the butt), Aziz, Cazwell). Are there any K-pop videos exploring LGBT experiences?
(3) There were quite a few drama plays exploring LGBT by students. Why do you think there is so much interest in this subject matter? Do you think that Korea will ever accept LGBT people?
(4) IMAGES OF MASCULINITY: In Seoul, increasingly so, consumer products and services such as: male beauty products, effeminate clothes, hand bags (man purses), male aesthetic surgery and the thin K-Pop look are in demand. In North-America(Canada/US) this type of appearance is labeled as "unmanly", "gay" and generally frowned upon by some young males. Why is this look "OK" in Asia but seen as unpopular and "gay" in North America? What do you think?
(5) Canada was the first country, outside of Europe, to legalize gay marriage. Should there actually be a debate about who you can marry? Isn't love just love? Discuss.

2. Gulliver’s Travels


(1) If a family member or a very close "came out" how would you respond to that?

There are 3 different cases in this question. First case is the situation that very close came out that he loves man(or shes loves woman). In this case, I would understand my friend, and help him to make his love with the person he loves. I could also give advice to him if he has any problems.
The second case is little different: the situation that very close came out that she loves me. First of all, I will tell her that I am not a lesbian and I love man not the woman. Continuing loving me is too cruel to her, because I think her as just one of my friends, I will ask her to stop loving me and find the other person.
The Last case is that my family member came out to me. I have an older brother, and if he came out to me that he loves a man, I would be angry and tell him to not do that right now, because other people would think strange of my family.

(2) What did you think of the videos we saw in class? (What what (in the butt), Aziz, Cazwell). Are there any K-pop videos exploring LGBT experiences?

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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걸리버여행기 영어 독후감 + LGBT와 동성애
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2024년 07월 19일 금요일
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