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Images of Water in <A Streetcar Named Desire> / <욕망이라는 이름의 전차>에서 차용되는 물의 이미지

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어로 진행되는 영어영문학과 전공필수 미국희곡 강의의 기말 과제로 제출하여 최고점을 받은 영어 에세이입니다.
MLA 형식이며, 총 서론-본문3-결론의 5문단으로 구성되어 있습니다.




Ancient philosopher Thales said the most fundamental element of the world is water. Every creature gains energy from water; they sustain their lives by drinking it. Thales thought, for these reasons, water is the very initial element that constitutes the whole world, because such element would infuse vitality to every matter. Of course now we know that the world consists of a myriad of elements, water is, however, still an essential source for our survival, and also it resembles our cycle of life; just think about how versatile water is. Water easily transforms from one form to another, giving up one state to throw itself to another; just like what people do every day with their decision making. That is why the image of water is often borrowed in various genres of literature to symbolize certain characteristics to effectively express the theme.

참고 자료

Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire, New Direction Books, 2004. Print.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Images of Water in &lt;A Streetcar Named Desire&gt; / &lt;욕망이라는 이름의 전차&gt;에서 차용되는 물의 이미지
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