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[영문 레포트]한국 여성 노동 실태 (women career)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. The Present Condition of Women Career
2. Problems ; Occupational Segregation by Gender
3. Why Occupational Segregation Occur? ; Socialization and Male Chauvinism in Labor Markets
4. The Effort of both U.S and Korean Government.
5. Conclusion


The present condition of careers for women is the best way to compare both the United States and South Korea. As fousing on the U.S, this chart is about the top 10 careers for women for the past 30 years. You can see that as time goes by, the order has changed, but the jobs have not. All the jobs in the lists involve taking care of someone or secretarial work.

<중 략>

That is because the U.S and Korean labor market have a ‘glass ceiling’ which is a political term used to describe "the unseen, yet unreachable barrier that keeps women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements. According to catalyst’s study, there’s no different between men and women leadership.

<중 략>

First, the U.S. government made affirmative action. Affirmative action refers to equal opportunity employment measures to prevent discrimination against employees or applicants for employment on the basis of sex, color, etc. The affirmative action is dedicated to make equal wages and promote women to advance the men dominated field such as architects and lawyers.

참고 자료

Cho, J. M. (2010). Affirmative Action and Corporate Compliance in South Korea. Feminist Economics, Vol. 16 Issue 2, 111-139.
Chun, B. H. (2008). Women Employment pattern and employment discrimination in “nontraditional occupations” for women in U.S.A. Aviation Management Society of Korea, Vol. 6 No.3, 5-20.
Claudia S. D. (2012, June). Australia, Mckinsey; women matter; An asian perspective. Retrieved from www.mckinsey.com
Gress, D. R. & Paek, J. (2014). Differential Spaces in Korean Places? Feminist Geography and Female Manageers in South Korea. Gender, Work & Organaization, Vol. 21 Issue 2, 165-186.
Jarman, J. (2012). The Dimentions of Occupational Gender Segregation in Industrial Countries. Sociology, Vol.46 Issue 6, 1003-1019.
Rachel S. (2013, December 6). US, 2013 Catalyst Census: Fortune 500 Women Board Directors. Retrieved from http://www.catalyst.org/knowledge/
Spiro, V. (2003) Women in American Society(5th Ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
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