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정책학(Public policy) advocacy coalition model 케이스 적용 - 영문 paper

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17페이지/ MS 워드
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고려대학교 정책학 영강 수업에서
정책 옹호연합모형을 미국의 의료보험 이슈를 통해 설명한 보고서입니다.


1. Introduction
1) Case Description
2) Analytical Framework: Advocacy Coalition Framework & Multiple Steams

2. Application of Advocacy Coalition Framework
1) Overview of the Advocacy Coalition Framework
2) Internal Structure: Policy Subsystem, Advocacy Coalition, Belief System
3) External Factors: ① Relatively Stable Factors
4) External Factors: ② Dynamic System Events

3. Application of Kingdon’s Multiple Streams
1) Overview of the Multiple Streams
2) Problem Stream
3) Policy Stream
4) Political Stream
5) Policy Entrepreneur

4. Conclusion


(1)Case Description
Through the passage of ‘Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’(H.R.3590),’ Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act of 2010’(H.R.4872), President Obama set in motion a complex series of changes to America’s health care system that translates into the biggest expansion of coverage since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid. Obama was able to partially complete the ideal that liberals launched in the early 20th century; everybody should be able to get the medical care they need without enduring financial calamity.
However the national debate over the overhaul of the United States health care system, reflected different fundamental normative axioms of the coalitions involved. While the Democrats and interest groups representing labor and consumer interest argued for the need of a ‘single payer’ universal health care plan or a ‘public option’, the Republicans, the insurance and drug industry, and the business community opposed the intrusion of the federal government into the sphere of individual choice

참고 자료

Paul A. Sabatier. 1993. "Policy Change over a Decade or More." In Paul A. Sabatier and Hank C. Jenkins-Smith, eds. Policy Change and Learning: An Advocacy Coalition Approach. Pp 13-39
Sabatier, Paul A., and Weible, Christopher, M. 2007. "The Advocacy Coalition Framework: Innovations and Clarifications". In Paul A. Sabatier (ed.) Theories of the Policy Process. 2nd Edition. Boulder, Co: Westview Press.
Kingdon, John W. 1984. Agendas, Alternative, and Public Policies, Chapter 9, pp.196-208
Lowi, Ginsberg, Shepsle, Ansolabehere. 2011. American Government: Power and Purpose. New York : W.W.Norton
Minjeoung Kim. 2010. "The Factors that affect the abortion policy in US." Korean Political Science Review 44(4): 265-286
Jonathan Cohn, “How They Did It,” The New Republic, June 10, 2010
Jeff Davis, "How Reconciliation Would Work," The New Republic, January 19, 2010
Chris Good, "Bart Stupak, A year After Health Care: Getting 'Bitched Out' in Airports, How the Deal Went Down, and More," The Atlantic, March 23, 2011
Timothy Noah, "Why Stupak Is Wrong," Slate, March 4,2010
Kathleen Parker, "Stupak's fall from pro-life grace," The Washington Post, March 24, 2010
이준규, 고희채, 권정윤. 2010 "미국 건강보험개혁법안 통과 및 향후 전망" 대외경제정책연구소
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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