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Does the ROK-US Alliance should be necessary?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Criticisms regarding the ROK-US alliance
3. The Necessity of the ROK-US alliance
4. The necessity of changes in the ROK-US alliance
5. Conclusion


The ROK-US alliance has played an important role in maintaining peace and security on the Korean peninsula. After the Korean War, the ROK-US alliance has contributed to deter any military provocation and to avoid an armed clash with North Korea. More specifically, the ROK-US alliance, which is based on the ROK-US Mutual Defense Treaty in 1953, has continued for half a century in order to keep peace in Northeastern Asia especially in Korean peninsula. The fundamental aim of the ROK-US alliance is to ensure security and war deterrence in Korea. According to the Mutual Defense Treaty, the US has a responsibility to protect Korea against common enemies by dispatching its troops. Korea has enjoyed national and regional security by the aid of the US force in Korea (USFK) and it has tried to maintain the ROK-US alliance to reduce any threats of national security such as North Korea’s attack. Even though the ROK-US alliance has lasted for 60 years, there has been much debate

참고 자료

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Bruce E. Bechtol Jr.- Planning for the Future: Conditions of Combined ROK-US Military Intervention in Potential DPRK Contingencies, The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, December 2012, Vol.24, No.4, pp.489-502, Available at: http://www.kida.re.kr/data/kjda/06_Bruce%20E_Bechtol.pdf
Cheon Seong Whun - The Significance of Forming a ROK-US Extended Deterrence Policy Committee, Korea Institute for National Unification, 3rd November 2010, Online Series CO 10-39, pp.1-7, Available at: https://www.kinu.or.kr/upload/neoboard/DATA01/co10-39%28E%291.pdf
Lee Soo Hyung – The ROK-US Combined Defense system in the New Security Environment, East Asian Review, Spring 2001, Vol.13, No.1, pp.105-119, Available at: http://www.ieas.or.kr/vol13_1/13_1_6.pdf
Park Hyeong Jung – Looking Back and Looking Forward: North Korea, Northeast Asia and the ROK-US Alliance, Korea Institute for National Unification, The Brookings Institution Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies, December 2007, pp.1-64, Available at: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2007/12/north%20korea%20park/12_north_korea_park.pdf
Park Jeong Min – The US-ROK Alliance-The Feasibility of the Continuing US Military Presence in the Republic of Korea, Victoria University of Wellington, 2012, pp.1-63, Available at: http://researcharchive.vuw.ac.nz/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10063/2335/thesis.pdf?sequence=1
Park Min Hyung – Asymmetry in the ROK-US Alliance and ROK’s Strategies, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, autumn 2012, Vol.26, No.3, pp.125-153, Available at: file:///Users/kimdanbi/Downloads/filedownload.pdf
Park Won Gon- A Challenge for the ROK-US Alliance: Defense Cost-Sharing, The East Asia Institute, EAI Asia Security Initiative Working Paper 30, July 2013, pp.1-18, Available at: http://www.eai.or.kr/data/bbs/eng_report/2013091110583697.pdf
Sheen Seongho – Inter-Korean Relations without the US-ROK Alliance, The Korean Institute for Future Strategies and The National Bureau of Asian Research NBR/KiFS Conference Paper, September 2007, pp. 1-29, Available at: http://www.nbr.org/downloads/pdfs/psa/usrok_conf07_sheen.pdf
Son Kyengho-The history of the ROK-US Alliance: Analyzing the Role of the Alliance Using Alliance Theories, Yonsei University Institute for North Korea Studies, Korea Unification Research, 2013, Vol.17, No.2, pp. 39-64 Available at: http://www.papersearch.net/view/detail.asp?detail_key=1v800220&code=CP00000002
Snyder Scott- Strengthening the US-ROK Alliance, The Asia Foundation, Center for US-Korea Policy, February 2009, pp. 1-14, Available at: http://asiafoundation.org/resources/pdfs/SnyderStrengtheningFeb09.pdf
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