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The Benefits of Vegetarianism

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기




It is a fact that rabbits are meant to eat only green leafy plants, for their digestive system cannot handle meat. Tigers, on the other hand, are born carnivores. They eat meat because it is better for their digestive system. How about humans? The argument about human vegetarianism —“Is it healthy or not?”— has not been solved yet. It has actually become a “hot potato” between various specialists. Today, since we all choose different diets for ourselves in order to live healthier lives, it is important for us to know the benefits of vegetarianism because many people eat meat, thinking it is better for them when it is really not. In my opinion, eating vegetables is much healthier for humans than eating meat because doing so allows the body to avoid several potential health problems. Therefore, this essay will cover some of the main objections against vegetarianism and refute them.
A common criticism of vegetarianism is that such a diet is nutritionally unbalanced. It is true that no single vegetable contains all the nutrients the human body needs.

참고 자료

Chung, Dong Hyo. The Science of Cellulose. Seoul: Donghwa, 2004.
Kim, Jang Suk. A Comparative Study on CHD Risk Factors among Vegetarians and Non-vegetarians. Master's thesis of Home Pedagogy. Seoul: Sook Myung Women's University, 1995.
Kim, Woo Yeol. Green Temptation. Purple Cow, 2012.
Lee, Kwang Jo. "Myth about Protein." Korea Vegetarian Union. 9 Dec 2007. Web. 14 Nov 2014.
Vegedoctor. Vegetarianism is the Answer. Seoul: Story Planner, 2011.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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The Benefits of Vegetarianism
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