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[유럽정치 영문 최종보고서] 기능주의적 접근을 통해 유럽의 문화자본 분석. Functionalistic Approach of European Capitals of Culture(ECoC) and problem

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/ 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


유럽정치경제 수업 당시 영문으로 작성한 보고서입니다. 유럽의 문화산업 특히 ECoC에 대한 기능적 접근과 문제를 분석했습니다. 수업 성적은 A0였습니다.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Empirical Analysis
4. Conclusion


• Motivation
On the road to European integration. I think our class's main topic is European integration. As a huge frame of European integration we learned the history and theory associated with the topic. European Political Economy's auxiliary textbook ⌜하나의 유럽⌟, look at various ways leading to Euroepan integration. The core argument of the book is that European economic integration and political integration is closely intertwined. The EEC customs union is expressing "political integration beyond the stage of mere cooperation", and through the Schengen Agreement, it reached "innovative changes which totally modify the sovereignty of the national territory inviolability principle in the end.

<중 략>

Empirical analysis of this report, as mentioned above, was limited due to lack of data. Not only lack of date, but the 'European integration' is an abstract concept in the minds of Europeans that measure the degree of person's psychological mind is hard to get actually. Survey to measure the degree of integration in the case existed difference between the measured data, it is insufficient methods for the objective basis.

참고 자료

Burgress, M, "Federalism and European Union: The building of Europe", 1950-2000. Routledge.
Clam, L, "Identity and European Integration: Diversity as a Source of Integration", Nations and Nationalism 15, 109-128
European Commission, "A People's Europe", European Commission, 1985
Carbone, M, "National Politicsand European Integration: From the Constitution to the Lisbon Treaty". Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010
Palmer/Rae Associates, "European Cities and Capitals of Culture", Palmer/Rae Associates, 2004
강원택·조흥식, 『하나의 유럽』, 푸른길, 2009
곽동준·정해조, "유럽연합의 '유럽문화수도프로그램' 분석 - 결의문 1419, 649, 1622호를 중심으로 ⌜프랑스 문화 연구⌟. 15. 269-306
사순옥, "유럽연합(EU)의 문화수도 구상과 독일의 도시, ⌜독일문학⌟. 95. 168-179
임문영, "유럽연합(EU)의 문화수도와 그 시사점", ⌜한국프랑스학 논집⌟. 55. 459-482
안병억,『유럽 통합』, 높이길이, 2009
진인혜, "다양성 속의 하나"를 지향하는 EU의 문화정책과 시민단체. ⌜유럽사회문화⌟.5. 100-120
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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[유럽정치 영문 최종보고서] 기능주의적 접근을 통해 유럽의 문화자본 분석. Functionalistic Approach of European Capitals of Culture(ECoC) and problem
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