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Danish Hygge and Korean Emotional cafe culture

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
10페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


덴마크의 Hygge 문화와 한국의 감성카페 문화 비교 레포트


1. Introduction

2. Hygge

3. History of Korean café industry
(1) The Background of the advent of Korean café and café industry
(2) The factor of rapid growth
(3) Present condition of Korean coffee & café industry

4. Korean Emotional café
(1) The advent of Emotional café
(2) The setting of Emotional café
(3) Culture Cost

5. Conclusion



1. Introduction
Because hygge is a very Danish word, it is hard to find the same concept or word in other countries. Nonetheless, we still could find the similar idea—not exactly same—in other cultures because we are all human beings. In Korea, which is located more than 8,000km far from Denmark, nowadays people are seeking relaxation and coziness for both their body and mind especially through the way to go to a café. After the first Starbucks opened in 1999, there has been strikingly fast growth in the café industry in Korea. In addition, ‘Emotional Marketing’ became an important keyword in the market.

<중 략>

In 1884, when a Chinese general and politician, Yuan Shikai, stayed in Korea as a plenipotentiary, western tea, which is called coffee, imported in Korea. Even though most commodities were Chinese tea, coffee and black tea also rarely came into Korea. The first man who tasted coffee in Korea was king Gojong. He started to drink coffee when he fled to the Russian legation in Seoul. Afterward starting from the opening a café in 1902 by a German woman, Sontag, some cafés were built. Japanese people also opened cafés in downtown Seoul.

참고 자료

Yeon-seon Park. 2007. Color Terminology Dictionary. Yelim.
Steven M. Borish. 1991. The Land of the Living. Nevada. pp.101
Ken-ichi Yamamoto. 1986. Kansai Engineering-The Art of Automobile Development at Mazuda. Special Lecture at Michigan University.
Mitsuo Nagamachi. 1972. Researching of Human Sensibility Ergonomics. Ergonomics. pp. 121-130
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Danish Hygge and Korean Emotional cafe culture
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