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No Nuke for Kori, 고리 원전 증축을 하지 말아야 하는 이유

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
7페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




When I was living in Tokyo, Japan was a peaceful place. Its economy seemed to be recovering from the economic crisis called the lost decade, in 2010 (Delong), and more foreigners migrated there for Japanese dream. However everything changed since the Fukushima Meltdown in 2012. People in Fukushima evacuated from their home, and everyone in Japan shared horrible nightmares. This incident imprinted the importance of nuclear energy policy on the local community on the consciousness of Japanese citizens; that nuclear energy should be handled with consideration. Similarly, the plan in Kori region, one of the largest area that produce electricity through nuclear power, lacks nuclear energy policy that takes local citizens into consideration. I do not believe that the government has put adequate thought into constructing additional reactors in this region because the plan jeopardizes the safety and economic values of the natives. Regarding these issues, it is highly recommended that politicians invest more efforts to renewable energy that fits to the circumstances of the Kori region.

참고 자료

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