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영어 에세이 - 세계의 민족주의

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Nationalism is an ideology which is quiet hard to define it, because its definition and the factors are always changing during the time, situation and country. But the basic definition of Nationalism is “Refers to the feeling of political unity or of identity and patriotic sympathy that a people usually foc uses on its own language or culture or on a land that it regards as its own. It also refers to that component of various political ideologies according to which this feeling is held to be essential to the existence of a state or to a political movement's aspirations to statehood”(Bulliet) to simplify this term, Nationalism unifies and bonds people in one group based on sameness. But the mean of Nationalism for unification changed many time during the history: Language, religion, ethnic and state. It is a powerful ideology because Nationalism can be easily mixed up with other ideology and it has affected many nations and it also brings many tragic history too.

참고 자료

Bulliet, Richard W. "Nationalism." Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa. Ed. Philip Mattar. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. 1657-1660. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.
Yeophantong, Pichamon. "Nationalism." Cultural Sociology of the Middle East, Asia, & Africa: An Encyclopedia. Vol. 3: East and Southeast Asia. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference, 2012. 336-338. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Feb. 2015
Sakai, Naoki. "Subject And Substratum : On Japanese Imperial Nationalism." Cultural Studies 14.3/4 (2000): 462-530. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.
Tang, Wenfang, and Benjamin Darr. "Chinese Nationalism And Its Political And Social Origins." Journal Of Contemporary China 21.77 (2012): 811-826. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
Altuntaş, Nezahat. "Religious Nationalism In A New Era: A Perspective From Political Islam." African & Asian Studies 9.4 (2010): 418-435. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
“리퍼트 美대사 조찬모임서 흉기 피습…얼굴 크게 다쳐” Yonhap news 03/05/2015 Web 06 Mar. 2015.
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