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조직설계론/ STX의 조직구조적 문제점과 해결방안/ A+ 최신

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
97페이지/ 압축파일
가격 3,900원 할인쿠폰받기


STX 조직구조적 문제(2014년기준)와 해결방안을 담은 ppt, docs입니다.

높은 퀄리티로 제작되었습니다.


I. Corporation STX Info

II. Problems
1. Environmental Change
2. Excessive Vertical Integration
3. Lack of core competence
4. Corporate image decline & working environment problem

III. Proposed solution
1. Respond to environmental changes & restructure organization
2. Improvement of vertical integration & Cooperation with other companies
3. Finding niche market within shipbuilding industry & differentiation strategy
4. Corporate image enhancement & working conditions improvement

IV. Prospects in future


I. Corporation STX Info
Corporation STX is an organization which makes most of profit by relating affiliates as well as performing an actual holding company in groups. Competitiveness of group is directly connected to company's competitiveness. The biggest competitive advantage factor of STX group is synergy effect through a vertical systematization of associated business. 'tools/materials manufacturing - engine/block manufacturing - ship/plant building - shipping/trade - energy supply', these continuous competitiveness of each affiliate is bringing synergy effects to whole groups and supplying total solution to associated business. Also, STX Corporation leaped worldwide shipbuilding company by succeeding Korea - China - Europe linked global manufacturing facility construction and grew as a global general shipbuilding group building merchant ship, cruise ship, offshore plant, and warship for defense industry.

참고 자료


압축파일 내 파일목록

STX docs.docx
STX ppt.pptx
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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