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Comparison research of political development between Singapore and the South Korea (한국과 싱가포르의 정치발전의 비교 연구) 영문보고서, 영어리포트

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12페이지/ MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Comparison research of political development between Singapore and the South Korea
(한국과 싱가포르의 정치발전의 비교 연구)
영문보고서, 영어리포트

Key Question : What makes one party in Singapore hold the long-term power over six decades through the election? (based on research using the comparative method between Singapore and South Korea)


1. Introduction
2. Application of the Comparative Method
3. The development process of the politics and election
4. The political goal of ruling party
5. The capability of political system management
6. The influence of opposition party
7. Conclusion



Singapore is one of wealthy countries in Asia or even across the world. Singapore is often referred to as one of Asia's economic “tigers”, including South Korea. South Korea and Singapore both has the result of the striking economic development, driven by electronics manufacturing and financial services. They have common experiences to suffer from regional crisis, including the 1997 Asian economic crisis, the 2003 SARS virus outbreak and the repercussion of the 2009 world banking crisis. While, however, the outcome of their economic development looks similar, their political situations look different. While the politics of the South Korea seems to be unstable and fluctuated in history, in the case of Singapore, its politics relatively seems to be stable. Actually, as of the establishment of the country, one party, the People’ Action Party (the PAP), has dominated the absolute majority of the parliament. So, I want to find out what makes the PAP hold the long-term power over six decades.

참고 자료

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Lijphart, Arend. “Comparative politics and the Comparative method.” American Political Science Review. 65:3 (Aug. 1971). pp. 682-693.
Little, Daniel. Varieties of Social Explanation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Science. Boulder: Westview Press, 1991. pp. 13-38.
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Comparison research of political development between Singapore and the South Korea (한국과 싱가포르의 정치발전의 비교 연구) 영문보고서, 영어리포트
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