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(영문)국제화, internationalization, Factors

최초 등록일
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11페이지/ MS 워드
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(영문)국제화, internationalization
회사들의 국제화 되는 이유


1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Factors that company goes internationalization.
1)Profit Advantage
2)Growth Opportunities
3)Domestic Market Constraints
5)Government Policies and Regulations
6)Monopoly Power
7)Spin-offs of International Business6
8)Strategic Vision

4. Discussion

5. Barriers to Internationalization
1)Resource Barriers
2)Information and Networks

5. Conclusion

6. References


Recent research studies have shown that many young technology companies appear to internationalize at an increasingly early stage in their development. According to research, it has shown that new and young technology companies enter the international arena to expand their customer base and to obtain access to new knowledge and technologies. Although internationalization is an appealing avenue to realize firm growth, the process of going international is characterized by external and internal barriers that hinder fast international expansion. Therefore, the topic of international entrepreneurship received considerable attention from both policy makers and academics. This consists of studies that bring more insights in the internationalization of young, technology-based firms.

In recent years, researchers have started to investigate the processes by which young, high-technology companies have internationalized.

참고 자료

Fancis Cherunilam, (2010), International Business : Text And Cases Fifth Edition, PHI, (Introduction, Factors internalization, Discussion)
Alan M. Rugman, (2009), The Oxford Handbook of International Business Second Edition, Oxford University Press, (Introduction, Factors internalization)
Peter J. Buckley,Pervez N. Ghauri, (1999), The Internationalization of the Firm: A Reader, THOMSON, (Barrier & Factor)
UKTI.gov.uk (2012) Research & Barriers of internalization [Online] Available, at: www.ukti.gov.uk/download/file/108510.html [PDF] [Accessed 19Dec 2012]
BIS.gov.uk (2012) Internationalizationof Innovative andHigh Growth SMEs [Online] Available, at: http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/BISCore/economics-and-statistics/docs/10-804-bis-economics-paper-05.pdf [PDF] [Accessed 20 Dec 2012]
WiKipedia.org (2012) Any terms about internalizations [online] Available, at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internalization [Accessed 15 Dec 2012]
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