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(영문)저가항공사, Low cost Airline, Airasia

최초 등록일
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11페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


저가항공사, 저가항공사의 전략과 프리피엄과의 차이
Low cost Airline, Airasia.


1.0 Overview of low cost airline
1.1 What are the differences between a low cost airlines and premium economy airlines?

2.0 What are the cost and operating strategy adopted by low cost airlines to offer such a cheap ticket for passenger?
2.0.1 Secondary Airport
2.0.2 Promotional Pricing Strategy
2.0.3 Single Aircraft Type
2.0.4 Frequent flights

3.0 What are the future strategies for premium economy airlines?

4.0 References


1.0 Overview of low cost airline
A low cost airline is a flight carrier that seeks to provide flight service at low cost, sometimes undercutting traditional airlines by more than half. Examples of typical low cost airlines include Air Asia, Cebu Pacific Europe's Ryanair, the United States' Southwest and JetBlue airlines. The low cost airline will enable its low fees by seeking to cut costs through a number of ways. For example, these include adopting an all-economy or all-coach seating format, providing "meal options," to be paid for separately, rather than an included meal service, and using "first-come, first-served" seating, which means that the airplane is boarded like a bus and seats go to whomever takes them first. Furthermore, the low cost airline might also operate regionally rather than globally, fly short flights at a maximum of 7 hours each way, and operate either out of a secondary airport or at non-peak times at a primary flight hub.

참고 자료

Planespotters, 2013. Air Asia Fleet Details and History [online] Available at: http://www.planespotters.net/Airline/AirAsia [Accessed 11 April 2013].
AACE International, 2011. What is Cost Engineering? [online] Available at: http://www.aacei.org/mbr/whatIsCE.shtml [Accessed 11 April 2013].
Grant, R.M. (2010). Air Asia: The World’s Lowest Cost Airline, 2010. In R.M. Grant, Contemporary Strategy Analysis (7th ed.), (pp. 625-635). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Air Asia, 2013. Air Asia [online] Available at: http://airasia.com/ [Accessed 11 April 2013].
Neufville, R. D., 2007. Low-Cost Airports for Low-Cost Airlines: Flexible Design to Manage the Risks. Transportation Planning and Technology [online] 31(1), pp.35-68. Available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03081060701835688 [Accessed 11 April 2013].
Fernando, Oscar., 2011. 1st Day. Transit at LCCT Kuala Lumpur Terminal [image online] Available at: http://carpilami.blogspot.com/2011/01/1st-day-transit-at-lcct-kuala-lumpur.html [Accessed 11 April 2013].
GuidePal, 2013. Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) [image online] Available at: http://guidepal.com/kuala-lumpur/know-the-city/kuala-lumpur-international-airport-klia [Accessed 11 April 2013].
Lijdsman, A. (2009) Possible solution for full service carriers? If you can’t beat the low cost carriers, join them?. [online] Available at: http://www.gars.aviationplatform.com/index.php/tech-a-developments/81-possible-solution-for-full-service-carriers-if-you-can-t-beat-the-low-cost-carriers-join-hem [Accessed: 11 Apr 2013].
wiseGEEK (2003) What are Budget Airlines?. [online] Available at: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-budget-airlines.htm [Accessed: 12 Apr 2013].
Competition Between Traditional and Low-CostJames M. Nissenberg. (1994) Competition Between Traditional and Low-Cost. [e-book] [Accessed: 11 Apr 2013].
Express Rail Link, 2010. KLIA Transit to LCCT – Fares [online] Available at: http://www.kliaekspres.com/erlsb/LCCT/LCCTFares/tabid/213/Default.aspx [Accessed 11 April 2013].
Express Rail Link, 2010. KLIA Transit Train Fares [online] Available at: http://www.kliaekspres.com/erlsb/KLIATransit/TrainFares/tabid/118/Default.aspx [Accessed 11 April 2013].
Dibb, S and et al., 2006. Marketing: Concepts and Strategies. 5th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
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