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고급폐수처리공학 인제거 리포트

최초 등록일
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27페이지/ MS 워드
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하수/폐수 처리 공정중 인제거에 대한 레포트 입니다. (영문)


1. Introduction

2. Background
A. Phosphate precipitation
B. Biological Treatment

3. State of the art
A. Different filter media material
B. Microalgae
C. Combination of microorganism
D. PAOs vs. GAOs
E. Modeling

4. Discussion

5. Suggestion
A. A2O process with pH controller
B. Sludge monitoring system
C. Microalgae
D. Silica filter
E. Real-time chemical injection

6. Expected result

7. References


1. Introduction
There are a host of very serious concerns related to too much phosphorus in our water: risks to human safety from the threat of harmful algae blooms near drinking water intakes; unstable fish communities due to harmful algae blooms and low levels of dissolved oxygen; declines in property values due to loss of recreational opportunities and aesthetics; disruptions in food web and energy flow that cause negative impacts on species and their habitat; degraded habitats especially in nearshore, wetlands and tributaries due to increases in algae growth; beach fouling and loss of tourism revenue; and added costs to municipalities, industry and the public to protect drinking water sources, and restore recreational areas.
Examples of phosphorus containing materials include; fertilizer, manure, and human waste. There are also naturally occurring sources of phosphorus in lakes, such as decaying organic matter, and eroding rocks and soils.

참고 자료

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