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<A+자료><영어 리포트> 위안부 관련 영어 리포트(일본의 식민지적 만행 고발)- About disputes between Japan and South Korea over comfort women in Japanese colonial era

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/ MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
2. Japan’s unthinkable brutality- ‘comfort women’
3. Japan’s extorted recognition towards comfort women
4. Conclusion
5. Reference list


Last week, for my assignment, I found a few editorials on the web, and one of those editorials was the one related to Japanese colonial period history. It was Chosun Ilbo’s editorial and it said that a group of 187 leading international historians are urging Japan to admit and apologize for forcing women to serve as sex slaves for its troops during World War II. They said that Japan's problematic interpretation of its history poses "obstacles" to anyone seeking to congratulate the nation on its accomplishments since the end of the war. And they also added that "denying or trivializing" the mobilization of sex slaves is "unacceptable". The authors include Ezra Vogel of Harvard University, Pulitzer Prize winner Herbert Bix of Binghamton University, John Dower of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bruce Cummings of the University of Chicago, and 33 Japanese scholars. The historians said Tokyo's excuses to discredit the testimonies of the former sex slaves or the total figures of victimized women will not be able to hide the atrocities imperial Japan committed during World War II.

참고 자료

Kim, Seol A, 『The painful stories and healing of ‘Comfort women’ of Japanese soldiers』, Master’s thesis, The Graduate School of Theology in Ewha Womans University
Lee, Ae Ri, 『A study on the mobilization of comfort women for Japanese army』, Master’s thesis, The graduate school of Education in Kyungnam University
Yoon, So Eun, 『A study on The Comfort Women Issue- Research on Changing perception and attitude of the Japanese government』, Master’s thesis, The graduate school of International Relations
Chosun Ilbo Editorial, 2015 May 7, 「Int'l Historians Press Abe to Apologize for WWII Sex Slaves」
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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&lt;A+자료&gt;&lt;영어 리포트&gt; 위안부 관련 영어 리포트(일본의 식민지적 만행 고발)- About disputes between Japan and South Korea over comfort women in Japanese colonial era
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