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[영문] 철학 페이퍼 : 경험적 지식과 선험적 지식 (Is it possible that getting knowledge without sensory influence from outside?)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/ MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Intro

II. Main Points
1. The two ways to get knowledge
2. Empiricism - ‘Knowledge based on experience’
3. Is it possible that get knowledge without outside influences?

III. Conclusion (my opinion)


Epistemology, the theory of knowledge, is a great part of philosophy. Epistemologists have tried to offer an account of what knowledge is and investigate the origin, methods, and limits of knowledge. Epistemology take issue with essence of knowledge, origin, limitation. Make it easier to understand, epistemology is systematic effort that explaining about process and method on human get reliable knowledge.

<중 략>

[Main Points]
1. The two ways to get knowledge
- Empirical knowledge VS A priori knowledge.
In my opinion, epistemology is beginning with question that 'human is learning a novelty, or just perception that already knew.' As I mentioned before, Epistemologies have historically tried to tell us something about the kinds of knowledge that there are. Most epistemologists, for example, have drawn a major distinction between empirical knowledge and a priori knowledge. The effort to find answers to these questions have been conducted. A study of perception already existed when Greek or medieval times, but it became priority subject on philosophy, especially Loch age.

참고 자료

Matthias Steup, An Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, Prentice-Hall, 1996.
Stanley M. Honer & Thomas C. Hunt, Invitation to Philosophy, Belmont, 1978.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영문] 철학 페이퍼 : 경험적 지식과 선험적 지식 (Is it possible that getting knowledge without sensory influence from outside?)
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