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6페이지/ 한컴오피스
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1. The transition on the structure of Shield stone
2. The appearance of ‘Stone Statues on the Front of Tombs’ Area’(陵儀石物) and the meaning of that


After the acception of ‘the corridor style stone chamber tombs(橫穴式 石室墳)’, the figure of Shilla Royal Tomb took on the shape that we are thinking in general today in part of royal tomb’s style. At the seventh century that is the end of Three Kingdoms period and the beginning of the Unification, it was starting the change of the structure of ‘Shield stone(護石)’ and the guardian stone on the royal tomb. While changes in the tomb system had been made in stages, It was beginning to appear the Shilla tomb system of gradually complete form.

<중 략>

1. The transition on the structure of Shield stone
① The transition of the Shield stone’s structure at Royal tombs of development period
The Shield stone’s structure at Royal tombs of development period shows the transition period’s figure. Therefore, it is possible to see that the Shield stone’s structure at Royal tombs of development period gradually changed the perfect form. and the features of this Shield stone’s structure are as follows.
First of all, it accepted the ‘Sustain stone(支石)’ used in the tombs of Goguryeo at the beginning.

참고 자료

이근직, 『신라왕릉연구』, 학연문화사, 2012
이근직, 『신라왕릉 관계기사의 검토』, 1986
김환대, 『신라왕릉』, 한국학술정보(주), 2007
이근직, 「신라 왕릉의 기원과 변천」, 학위논문(박사), 영남 대학교, 2006
이근직, 『신라 능묘의 발전과 전개과정』, 고려대학교 한국사연구소, 2009
국립경주문화재연구소, 『新羅古墳 基礎學術調査硏究 Ⅳ-石造物資料』, 2007
김환대, 『경주의 왕릉-문화재 속속들이 시리즈 1』, 한국학술정보[주], 2010
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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