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SSI(Scale for Suicidal Ideation) Beck 1979 자살생각 척도 Test Report

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Test name : Scale for Suicidal Ideation(1979)

Test psychometric information
1. Evaluate contents like suicidal thought, patient’s attitude to suicidal thought, degree of hope to die, actual need to attempt to commit suicide, concreteness of suicide plan, inner-obstacles against actual attempt to commit suicide, and subjective sense of control over suicidal attempt.

Test history & Usage
1. It was eveloped by Beck, Kovacs, and Weissman in 1979 in order to measure patients’ thought who were hospitalized with depression in phychiatry department. However, GwangBae Park and MinSub Shind transformed the test in a self-report form as similarly as the ordinary one (Kim, Kim, 2009).
2. This test has been used not only for teenagers but for university students. (Ko, Yun, 2007).
3. This test sometimes is used in a corrected or supplemented form by other researchers (Kim, Jung, 2010).
4. Used for extracting samples who have high level of suicide ideation(Son, Lee, 2000).

참고 자료

Kang, J. G., Cheon, S. N., Shin, H. J.(2013). The Influence of Self Perfectionism, Depression and Hopelessness on Suicidal Ideation in University students. The Journal of Digital Policy & Management 2013 Oct. 11(10): 527-536
Kim, H. J., Jung, M. A., (2010). Effect of Family Function and Self-Efficacy on Suicidal Ideation in University Students. 한국간호교육학회 16, (1), 43-50.
Ko, J. H., Yun, K.. (2007). The Relationship between Daily Life Stress and Suicidal Ideation of Adolescents : The Role of Ego-Resiliency as a Buffer, 한국청소년정책연구원. 18, (1), 185-212.
Kim, H. S., Kim, B. S. (2008). Verification of structural relation between suicide ideation and the related factors. The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 20, (2), 201-109.
Lee, H. S., Kuwn, J. H. (2009). Validation for the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation with Korean University Students. The Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology) Vol.28 No.4. p.1155-1172
Son, J. R., Lee, G. D. (2000). The Effects of Narrative Psychotherapy on the Reduction of Middle School Students' Suicidal Ideation. 한국심리학회. 19, (4), 645-658
Zhang, J., Brown, G. K. (2007). Psychometric Properties of the Scale for Suicide Ideation in China. Arch Suicide Res. 2007; 11(2): 203–210.
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SSI(Scale for Suicidal Ideation) Beck 1979 자살생각 척도 Test Report
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