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Flannery O’ Connor의 A Good Man is Hard to Find, Wimsatt, Jr. 의 The Intentional Fallacy 영문독후감

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Alexander Lowry 교수님의 전공영문강독2 수업에 제출했던 독후감입니다. Flannery O’ Connor의 A Good Man is Hard to Find라는 단편소설을 Intentional Fallacy라는 논문의 내용을 활용해 분석했습니다.


1. Introduction

2.1 Intentional Fallacy versus Affective Fallacy
2.2 Adaptations to Flannery O'Connor's "A Good Man is Hard to Find"

3. Conclusion

4. Work Cited


It is true that every literary work is created by an author. However, the weigh that the author has on his or her work has been controversial throughout the history of literary criticism. Some argue that we can better understand literature by acquiring knowledge about the author. On the other hand, some argue that the existence of the author should be ignored when reading the text. They emphasized the role of the reader when understanding a literary work. For example, in Authorship & Autography, Michael North compares the author to a camera. Like a camera, author is nothing more than a mechanism that shows the reality through a literary work. However, I wonder if the author, a human can be compared with a mere machine, a photographer. In my opinion, it is not only impossible but also undesirable to separate a text from the author. I would like to observe the role of the author inside a literary work through the example of “A Good Man is Hard to Find” written by Flannery O’Connor.

참고 자료

Wimsatt, Jr. and Beardsley, Monroe C. “The Intentional Fallacy”. The Verbal Icon: Studies in The Meaning of Poetry. 1954
Olsen, Stein Haugom. “Authorial Intention.” British Journal of Aesthetics 13.3 (1973): 219-231
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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