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1.the process of industrial relations involve 2parties labor, management—F + g
2.industrial relations and human resource staff professional sore part of management at labor-T
3.collective bargaining rarely yields any positive games because labor and management lack common interests-F
4.according to the three-tiered approach the collective bargaining process is rarely affected by environmental factors-F

<중 략>

1.due to the various constraints that unions place on management, business strategies can no longer influence the employer’s preferences for personnel policies – F (유니온 제약이 강해서 고용주들이 선호하는 인사정책을 고를 수가 없다.)
2. the employment conditions of employees within a paternalistic pattern of industrial relations differ substantially across work groups, plants, and firms. -T(노사관계에 있어서의 가부장적인 패턴 아래에서는 집단, 공장, 회사에서 본질적으로 다르다)
3. within the bureacratic pattern, firms usually leave written policies on pay, leaves, promotion, and discipline. -T
4. usually firms under the human resource management system of industrial relations do not make extensive efforts to have employees identify their interests with the long term interests of the firm. -F

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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