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영어 에세이 (외국인첨삭)

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Children with autism are short of social skill, communication and language in development. They will indicate abnormal behaviors between 2 and 3 years of age. Therefore, Parents should pay attention to their behaviors whether they related to mild autism in young childhood. It will badly have effect on their lives in aspect of intellectual abilities and physical health if their parents do not take care of their autism in the beginning. That is to say, their parents who have no knowledge about symptoms of autism will not be able to tell the difference between normal and abnormal behaviors because they are very young age that might have some strange behaviors and reactions. For this reason, it will be useful for parents to know about some obvious signs of autism. Furthermore, young children who are appearing a mild autism have high possibility that can be easily treated at special schools and education facilities based on effective educational programs for only autistic children.

참고 자료

“Autism Spectrum Disorders Health Center.” Autism – Symptoms . webmd.com. WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise.12 Apr,2010.Web. 2 March.2014.
"Discrete Trial Training." (DTT). N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.
"Learn the Signs of Autism." Autism Speaks. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.
Lifter Karin, Effective practices for children with autism: DEVELOPMENTAL PLAY
ASSESSMENT AND TEACHING. New York.2008.Oxford university press.Web.4 April.2014
W. Schlosser Ralf and Oliver Wendt. Effective practices for children with autism: AUGMENTATIVE ANDALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION INTERVENTION FOR CHILDREN WITH AUTISM. ,New York,2008.Oxford university press.Web.4 April.2014
Symon Jennifer B.G and Mendy A. Boettcher. Effective practices for children with autism: Family support and participation,New York:2008.Oxford university press.Web.4 April.2014
Warber, Adrienne. "Environment for Autistic Children." LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Mar. 2014
Wertz ,Steven R. “"Creating an Optimum Home Environment for Children with Autism Spectrum
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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